Sunday, September 15, 2013


隨著"衝上雲霄2"播完,我的悠長working holiday也完結了,很不捨得。雖然套劇到最後有點老土,除了COOL魔外全部人一對對,連二三線的角色也一對對,我就不停在想能夠成為一對對的秘方。

最後COOL魔感性地讀出這段讀白:「不過,我一直想不通一個問題,就是世界上到底先有Triangel(緣份天使),還是先有Guardian Angel(守護天使)?你是因為守護一個人,所以和他結緣,還是因為你和他有緣,才注定守護對方一生一世?」



最後,share一首我好鍾意的funky dance "拉根歌"。每次都好期待聽到這首歌,代表差不多跳完一個半鐘,可以拉根!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I read that monologue too, and here...
I think fate is just a moment to create the sense of protecting others (守護). How to care and to protect evolve as time passes and as experiences builds. 2 people are no longer together because they are not growing and changing together with their relationship. There will be more moment of fate, as long as the couple is willing to recognize it and to learn to protect each other from anything to come.
Just my 2 cents :)